What is the best cafe you have ever visited? Where have you tasted the most delicious coffee so far? We get asked those questions a lot and the true is they are very difficult questions to answer. We believe though that it is beneficial to give a credit to people and businesses that do a lot for the speciality coffee community in Europe. Therefore we asked you for help with the first ever European Coffee Trip Awards.
In September over 1000 people participated in the first nomination round where they chose their favorites in 7 categories. Our poor data processing skills made it rather difficult task but here we finally bring you the list of the finalists. Now it is time to choose the best from the best!
See the finalists and submit your vote below. We will keep it open until Wednesday 9th November 10pm CET. VOTE NOW!
Best European Cafe
Kawiarnia Coffeedesk | Kołobrzeg, Poland | @kawiarniacoffeedesk
Bugan Coffee Lab | Bergamo, Italy | @bugancoffeelab
Crooked Nose & Coffee Stories | Vilnius, Lithuania | @cnacs
Bonanza Coffee | Berlin, Germany | @bonanzacoffee
Bloom Specialty Coffee | Bucharest, Romania | @bloom_coffee
Best European Roaster
Gardelli Specialty Coffee | Italy | @gardellicoffees
Koppi | Sweden | @koppi_roasters
The Barn | Germany | @thebarnberlin
Double B | Russia | @doublebcoffeetea
Bugan Coffee Lab | Italy | @bugancoffeelab
Best European Coffee Packaging
La Cabra | Denmark | @lacabracoffee
Drop Coffee | Sweden | @dropcoffeeroasters
Five Elephant | Germany | @fiveelephant
Playground Coffee | Germany | @playgroundcoffee
Double B | Russia | @doublebcoffeetea
Best European Cafe Design
Bonanza Coffee | Germany | @bonanzacoffee
Kawiarnia Coffeedesk | Poland | @kawiarniacoffeedesk
Bugan Coffee Lab | Italy | @bugancoffeelab
Oheim Frankfurt | Germany | oheimFrankfurt
Crooked Nose & Coffee Stories | Lithuania | @cnacs
Best European Instagram – Business
CoffeedeskPL | Poland | @coffeedeskpl
Bonanza Coffee | Germany | @bonanzacoffee
Double B | Russia | @doublebcoffeetea
Kofeina Opole | Poland | @kofeinaopole
Koppi | Sweden | @koppi_roasters
Best European Instagram – Consumer
bosch | Germany | @bosch
kbarabosz | Poland | @kbarabosz
coffeeteatrip | Poland | @coffeeteatrip
koppianne | Sweden | @koppianne
lastguest_hh | Germany | @lastguest_hh
Best European New Coffee Product
Comandante Nitro Blade | Germany | @comandantegrinder
Stempels’ Slowbrew | Germany | @stempels.slowbrew
Push tamper | United Kingdom | @clockwork_espresso
BRO by CROOKED NOSE &COFFEE STORIES | Lithuania | @cnacs
The Apron | Czech Republic | @the.apron
Stay tuned for the results that will come on Thursday 10th of November.
Your ECT team!!